The voices were great as usual. The only thing I couldn't understand was the part before he mentions his boyfriend Frank Muniz. Something X's to boobies?
The voices were great as usual. The only thing I couldn't understand was the part before he mentions his boyfriend Frank Muniz. Something X's to boobies?
"All day and night I got full access to boobies"
Much Better Than Last Year
It's too bad I didn't join up again, I would've loved to give it another try. Saw some new faces and some old ones, only they were much better than last time. Everything was smooth in this one, nobody was really bringing it down in particular.
I know. I was kinda shocked. We didn't have a single bad part. There was probably one, maybe two, fairly average parts, but the rest were exceptional, weren't they! I'd call this collab a complete success!
Personally I like it, though I think we could have had a few more people. I think it went well, and the collab really started to pick up towards the middle. My part seemed very out of place to me, so much shading and stuff, kinda was out of place.
Still, glad we finished it and looking forward to another collab with you guys soon.
Yup, 2010, he we come! :D
Not Bad!
The animation was perfect, but it was smooth and relatively well done. The voice acting was done well, and the idea was fun although it didn't have as much blood as I had hoped. You captured some of Marcus's yells quite well, I know them way to well from playing Gears of War over and over.
Over all, an 8/10! Funny concept, Great inspiration, and an exceptional start to animating. Keep submitting stuff, you'll do well.
Thanks a lot. I had fun with this. I was just trying out Marcus in a short video before I get to the bigger better one. I love gears of war. The next one may have some blood, so be on the lookout.
Needs work
You need to animate better, I'm not seeing any kind of fluid movement here. Try taking longer to have each character take a step, only move them a little at a time and use a higher frame rate. Get rid of the text too, IMHO, Madness Combat isn't about talk. There can be some symbols or something in a speech bubble so the viewer gets whats going on, but not so much text.
The sprites were well done though, and looked very nice. I could tell who was who and they looked like the guys from the game. Pretty good, just needs some better animation.
Sprites? The fuck you talking about? All this shit was hand drawn. And a frame rate higher than 30 would crash my shit comp. Maybe turning down the quality would make animation more fluid.
Been done too many times.
Basically a dress up game, only with sprites to drag around. Not very fun IMO. These have been done and it's kinda like beating a dead horse.
ok. :)
I only have one question... Why shoot the girl who works the desk? Hank shouldve pulled a Trick teh Cl0wn on her in the end after letting her live.
Ask Hank, not me! =D
Age 29, Male
Bay Area
Joined on 11/23/08