Yeah, I've had the same problem since I first began animating. It's like I want to make a carrer out of my talent, but I can't be bothered to do it.
There does seem to be a way to help me get stuff done though. Back in high school I had a graphic art class, and I loved it. I even went there with a friend the free period before my actual class, every day, and I had no problems animating there.
Fast foward three years and I really haven't gotten anything accomplished. But then it hit me, maybe it's the company. Ever since that class I've just been animating alone in my room with friends and family stopping in to see how it is, but never really getting too involved.
So I joined a flash group here on NewGrounds thinking they would push me to do some work. I never got so much writting and animating done in my life. The group fell apart in 2 months or so, but I didn't want to lose my stride. So I joined a collab, got something finished, then joined another.
Right now I have two collab parts finished and I'm waiting for both of them to be released.
I see you want to join the Lazer Collab too, good start. I hope everything works out.
I had the same problem, and still haven't even finished my first flash. What I'm doing right now, which should work for most people, is to work on it only 30 minutes a day, though not exactly timed.... it's more of a rough estimate. As for how to stay on track, try figuring out the entirety of what is going to happen in the flash, and start with just making the animations outlines move, then coloring it in later. Even though it doesn't end up looking as nice at first, if it wasn't crap you'd probobly get a good feeling when done with the outline animations. If it was crap then practice making short clips instead of a big project until you get good.
Yeah, I suppose some of it is not exactly force of will, but just working on it until you're interested in finishing it. Thanks!